

Registration is still open for our ABA Regional program in San Francisco on Friday, June 21.  Click the link below to register and for more information.  The program features four informative panel presentations on cutting-edge trends in class actions and mass tort litigation.  Don’t miss it!

Program Registration Link

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For those who weren’t able to travel all the way to Israel for the University of Haifa’s recent international class action conference, you’re in luck.  Videos of all of the panel presentations are now available on YouTube.  To access them, go to the conference website at http://lawers.club/ and scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll see links for both photos and videos from the conference.  You can also visit the YouTube channel directly by clicking here.  I’m still working on my commentaries from the conference and will link to each presentation individually in those commentaries.


I’m very pleased to be chairing the ABA Section of Litigation’s Sixth Annual Regional CLE Program on Class Actions and Mass Torts this year.  The program will be held at the offices of the Bar Association of San Francisco.  Breakfast begins at 8:00 a.m., and the presentation begins at 8:45 a.m. on June 21, 2024.

Click here for more information and to register.

This year’s program will kick off with a panel discussing the recent amendments to Rule 23 as well as the Procedural Guidance for Class Action Settlements issued by the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.  Other topics include the use of virtual law firms in class action and mass tort litigation, developments in injury-in-fact and Article III standing, and developments in how courts are dealing with variations in injury and causation in addressing the predominance factor in Rule 23(b).



Editor’s Note: The publication schedule for my notes of the recent international class action conference at the University of Haifa has suffered various setbacks due to staffing constraints.  Of course, since I have a staff of one, I only have myself to blame.  In any event, here is the third installment.  Expect additional installments in the coming weeks.

Panel 2: Enforcement of consumer rights by associations and regulators


The second panel presentation focused on the enforcement of collective rights by regulators and associations, a phenomenon that is the current norm for many types of collective redress proceedings throughout the world.  The panel discussed developments and case studies in Brazil, France, Germany, the UK, and other jurisdictions where regulatory and associational enforcement is more common, and juxtaposed those developments against the US collective redress regime, which focuses on private enforcement, particularly through the class action procedure.

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The panel discussed criticisms that regulatory/associational enforcement model may be illusory in many cases.  Regulators have the power to enforce in many EU countries by don’t often exercise it.  Many public authorities don’t like the idea of pursuing redress for individual consumers, preferring to act in more of a traditional regulatory enforcement role where they seek penalties or injunctive relief, but not individual damages for injured parties.  Nonprofit or special purpose associations often lack the financial incentive to pursue collective litigation, leading to a void in enforcement that is now being filled by emerging litigation funding models.  However, there is an ongoing debate about whether litigation funding should be limited to not-for-profit public interest organizations or whether for-profit, venture capitalist litigation funding should be allowed.

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I found this presentation intriguing because it offered a summary of the key comparative differences between collective redress regimes available outside the US as compared to the US class action model, and offered key insights into many of the policy rationales underlying those differences.


Later this month, the ABA Section of Litigation Class Action and Derivative Suits Committee (CADS), will be sponsoring a one-hour roundtable teleconference on trend in litigation funding.  The program is a free benefit of Section of Litigation membership.  A summary description of the presentation is below.  For more information and to register, click this link.

Program Title: The Evolving Landscape of Litigation Funding

Program Description:
The use of third-party capital to pay for costs related to litigation in return for a portion of the financial judgment, commonly referred to as Litigation Funding, has been increasing. Join our esteemed panelists for a discussion regarding how Litigation Funding is changing the litigation landscape, the direct and indirect impact on litigants, their counsel, and investors, and criticisms of third-party financing.

Christine Azar, Esq., Burford Capital
Catherine Rowsey, Esq., Thompson & Knight
Kevin Skrzysowski, Risk Settlements

Angela Sabbe, Ankura

Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Time: 10a PT / 1p ET
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My promise to provide close-to-real-time updates of the Haifa conference was derailed by my lack of a Israeli power cord adapter to charge my laptop.  In truth, Israel mostly uses the same two-pronged circular plugs used throughout Europe, but I forgot adapters altogether, and it sounds better to say that I lacked a specific adaptor unique to one small country.  In any event, I now have to convert my combined typed and handwritten conference notes to a series of blogs in lieu of live-blogging.  

I will not attempt to give a detailed narrative of everything that was said during each presentation.  Instead, I’ll give you just a few of the highlights and insights I gained from each presentation.  What follows is the first installment.  You’ll observe that my notes became less detailed as the conference went on.  Please be assured that this is not a reflection of any diminishing quality in the content, but rather a symptom of my less-than-admirable work ethic.

But don’t fear, the conference was videotaped in its entirety, so very soon you’ll be able to enjoy all of the content as if you were there in person.  Check back for updates (but by now I’m sure you’ve learned, don’t hold your breath).  For now, you can find the conference materials here.

Panel 1: Class and collective redress – Global co-operation and developments

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University of California Hastings Law Professor Richard Marcus introduced a theme that would resonate throughout the remainder of the conference: the idea of US-style class actions being the “Big Bad Wolf” of collective redress procedures, at least as viewed by many in other jurisdictions considering similar procedures.  Marcus focused his comments not only on how class action practice has been changing in the US in recent years, but also on the explosion of multi-district litigation over the past 15 years.

The remaining panelists gave updates on developments in collective actions in other jurisdictions, primarily civil law jurisdictions, juxtaposing those developments against the “Big Bad Wolf”.  Professor Astrid Stadler discussed competing proposals being considered for a collective redress regime in the European Union, one proposed by the EU commission, which would cover consumer law only, and a competing proposal from ELI/UNIDROIT, which would be a general procedure not limited by subject matter.  Both proposals would include a limited opt-out procedure, where non-parties to the litigation could be bound by the outcome unless they opt out, as opposed to having to do something affirmative to opt in to the litigation.

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Professor Ianika Tzankova next offered insights about developments in the Netherlands.  She pointed out that Dutch law provides for an interesting combination of typical civil law collective redress procedures but also includes a mechanism for settlement of mass disputes that allows for class action settlements similar to those available under US law.  She described a new Dutch collective action law that has recently been passed by the legislature but has not yet come into force.

Professor Claudia Lima Marques discussed the rise of “model” cases resolution and the fall of “class actions” in Brazil.  Brazil has an existing collective action procedure, but a recently enacted law calls for issues common to repetitive cases to be identified by the courts and treated as model cases and put on a fast track for resolution, where the decision in the model case becomes binding on other cases involving similar issues.  She noted that the current law does not give any priority for collective actions to be chosen as model cases, so the effect is often that an individual litigant’s case is chosen as a model while collective actions are stayed.  A bill to give collective actions priority as model cases has failed.

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My loyal readers (I’m being optimistic in using the plural form) will note that ClassActionBlawg.com has been inactive for the better part of a year.  With my current workload, I can’t promise significantly more content in the near future, but I did promise one loyal reader to provide some highlights from the University of Haifa’s 3rd International Conference on class actions.  Here is the first installment.


The conference began with a warm welcome to Haifa from Conference Co-Chair Dr. Rabeea Assy as well as introductory remarks from other conference organizers.  One highlight for me was a brief summary from City University of Hong Kong Dean Geraint Howells of recent developments in Asia.  Howells described developments in class and collective actions in Hong Kong, which he described as “on the agenda” but slow in starting.  He also provided updates on class and collective mechanisms in force in a variety of other Asian countries, including Japan, Korea, Thailand, Singapore, and India.

Conference co-chair Dr. Ariel Flavian began his remarks with the point that the growth of global trade means more international scandals and a need for the development of new schemes for collective redress.  He then previewed recent developments in the EU, UK, Brazil, The Netherlands, the US, and elsewhere, which will be addressed in more detail throughout the conference.






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Click to access Agenda_compressed.pdf

Don’t Miss the 5th Annual ABA Western Regional CLE on Class Actions and Mass Torts, Friday, June 22, 2018 in San Francisco

I’m proud to announce that I’ll be chairing the 5th Annual ABA Western Regional CLE on Class Actions and Mass Torts, scheduled for next Friday, June 22, 2018 at the offices of Clyde & Co. in San Francisco.  The program is co-sponsored by the Class Actions and Derivative Suits, Mass Torts, Consumer Litigation, Antitrust Litigation, and Securities Litigation Committees of the ABA Section of Litigation.  This year’s program covers a variety of timely class action-related topics, including ethics for those of you needing to fulfill your ethics CLE obligation.  For more information and to register, see the link below.  Hope to see you there!


Upcoming Webinars on Statistics and Biometrics in Class Actions

Next week, I’ll be presenting in webinars addressing two trendy topics in class actions.

Next Tuesday, January 23, at 1:00 PM EST, Brian Troyer of Thompson Hine in Cleveland and I will be reprising a Stafford Publications webinar titled Statistics in Class Certification and at Trial: Leveraging and Attacking Statistical Evidence.  For more information and to register, please visit this link to the Strafford Publications website.

The next day, Wednesday January 24, at 1:00 PM EST, my partners Melissa Seibert, Melinda McLellan and I will be presenting a BakerHostetler client Webinar titled Emerging Biometric Data Privacy Risks.  Among other things, that webinar will address trends in consumer and employment class actions involving unauthorized use or disclosure of biometric information.  For more information and to register, please visit this link to the BakerHostetler website.



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